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Project news
- 2017-02-06: How quickly time passes. I (the principle and only investigator) accepted a Lecturership at Loughborough University. Luckily, I can use the wonderful Money Follows Researcher scheme to move the project as well. So, as soon as all the administrative stuff has been sorted out, this project will be located at Loughborough University.
- 2017-02-06: Up to now, the project has led to three publications:
- In this paper, Marion Holldack and I connected extended regular expressions to document spanners (a formal model for information extraction that is closely related to extended regular expressions). This also allows us to convert a subclass of extended regular expressions into a decidable logic.
- In a follow-up paper, I showed how this conversion can be performed in polynomial time.
- This result is then used in this paper that Markus L. Schmid and I wrote to decide equivalence of a subclass of deterministic extended regular expressions.
That is just a very short summary how the papers connect to each other. The third paper contains much more that is relevant to this project (in fact, it introduces the whole notion of determinism for extended regular expression); and the other two papers also contain other cool results that are not directly related to this project.